
Therapy for Adults in Their 20s-30s
You’ve finished college, you’re working to settle into the next phase of life and…things are not going as smoothly as you’d hoped. Being in our twenties can be both incredibly exciting and incredibly daunting—and for many of us, it’s our first time without the anchor provided by a school community or a social community of close friendships.
The post-college time can be filled with incredible anxiety: Where do you go from here? What if you fail? How does this whole “adult” thing work? For many of us, these years are filled with difficult ups and downs in many areas of life, all of which can rattle us and make us feel like we’re not quite cut out for the sort of life we’d hoped to have.
Our friend networks change. We struggle to become clearer on what we like and dislike. We’re faced with figuring out who we really are and who we really want to be. Our careers become more stressful as we take on more responsibility. Our romantic relationships start to become more serious and challenging.
For the first time, our life paths can really diverge from those around us—and it can end up seeming like everybody else has it figured out while we continue to spin our wheels. With all of this on our plates, we can begin to worry about how we fit into the world around us, and many of us can end up feeling lost, lonely, stagnant and totally unsure of ourselves. Not easy things to feel, or manage.
It makes sense that this isn’t always the easiest time—and if you’re hitting a wall, research shows that therapy can help. At SHIFT Psychology, we’re here to work with you as you begin to face life head on and can support you in targeted ways as you make efforts to craft the life you genuinely, authentically like showing up for.
We’ll face the tough questions together, explore what the answers tell us about you on a deep level, and work to encourage and nourish the parts of you that are working most helpfully. We’ll combine humor, shared expertise, and collaboration along the way—all in the service of tackling whatever obstacles are preventing you from moving forward in the ways that work best for you.
Take the first step.
It can be tough to start--we get it. Reach out, and let us meet you where you're at.